Hi, dear families! Summer is already here and the school year is finishing. I'd like to show you the latest works thar your children have made. They made some amazing fishbowls and fantastic folders to keep their woks. To do these crafts they had to colour, to paint, to cut out, to stick, to drow and to decorate. In short, they worked on all the necessary skills to develop their creativity. Here you can see some pictures that I'm sure you'll like. Enjoy your summer and don't forget to take care. See you in September. Happy Summer! Art teacher Carmen ¡Hola, queridas familias! El verano ya está aquí y el curso escolar está terminando. Me gustaría enseñaros los últimos trabajos que han hecho vuestros hijos. Hicieron increíbles peceras y fantásticas carpetas para guardar sus trabajos. Para hacer estas manualidades, tuvieron que colorear, pintar, recortar, pegar, dibujar y decorar. En resumen, trabajaron todas las destrezas necesarias para desarrollar su creatividad. Aquí...