Good morning, dear families As you know, during the last weeks we have been doing some amazing Christmas projects, as you can see in the pictures below. Your children have created a colourful angel, some beautiful Christmas drawings and a wonderful folder, in which they keep all the worksheets that they have done this term. You can see all of our creations in the photos, as well as some English Christmas carols, in case you want to listen to them at home. I hope you like them a lot. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take care and we’ll see each other in January. Merry Christmas! Art teacher Carmen Buenos días queridas familias. Como sabéis, durante las últimas semanas hemos estado realizando unos trabajos navideños increíbles, como podéis ver en las imágenes de abajo. Vuestros hijos han hecho un ángel de colores, unos bonitos dibujos navideños y una maravillosa carpeta, en la que guardan todas las ficha...