During these last few weeks we've worked a lot. We made some colourful Easter eggs. Children colored and cut them. Besides, children decorated their spring folders to take home their works. They used paintings, colourful papers, cardboards, glue... They were really pretty. And finally, they painted beautiful "parasoles" for their families. We had very good times during our Art classes. Now it's time to relax. Enjoy your hollidays! Art teacher Carmen Durante estas últimas semanas hemos trabajado un montón. Hicimos coloridos huevos de Pascua. Los niños los colorearon y los recortaron. Además, los niños decoraron sus carpetas de primavera para llevar los trabajos a casa. Utilizaron pinturas, papeles de colores, cartulinas, pegamento...Eran realmente bonitas. Y finalmente, pintaron bo...